Hornsea Weather
The current weather conditions are recorded every 15 minutes at the Coastwatch Lookout Station
Weather at 08:00GMT Wind: W-1 Sea state: Smooth
Pressure: 1017mb, steady
Temperature: 0°C Chill: 0°C
Sea Temperature: 6.7°C
Humidity: 87% Rain: 0.0mm/hr (0.0mm today)
Weather at 08:00GMT
Wind: W-1 Sea state: Smooth
Pressure: 1017mb, steady
Temperature: 0°C Chill: 0°C
Sea Temperature: 6.7°C
Humidity: 87% Rain: 0.0mm/hr (0.0mm today)
Pressure: 1017mb, steady
Temperature: 0°C Chill: 0°C
Sea Temperature: 6.7°C
Humidity: 87% Rain: 0.0mm/hr (0.0mm today)
Hornsea Waverider Buoy
The sea state is obtained from a recording buoy positioned some 3 miles from the shore. This buoy is part of the Channel Coastal Observatory network. The buoy is a DWR Waverider and its data are recorded every 30 minutes.
Wave height: 0.32m = Sea state: Smooth
Wave period: 11.8s, Wave direction: 22°
Sea temperature: 6.7°C
Date: 2025-01-20, Time: 6:30UTC
53° 54.99' N, 000° 03.95' W TA 27077 48453
Real time wave data displayed above are from the Regional Coastal Monitoring Programme, made freely available under the terms of the Open Government Licence. Please note that these are real-time data and are not quality-controlled.